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Be part of the liberty movement and participate in building a freer and more prosperous future for Idaho and our country! Join this historical moment and stand up for the values that make our state and country great. Join with the Madison Liberty Institute and make a difference.
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I was absolutely led here. Everything has lined up perfectly, and I'm so grateful to have been in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Everything about the Madison Liberty Institute is a dream come true and I love the work we are a part of. I NEVER thought Rexburg could provide such an incredible opportunity for me to promote my beliefs about freedom among my peers. I feel this organization is pioneering something amazing. I am completely committed to the cause of freedom and the mission of the Madison Liberty Institute. I can't imagine ever leaving this remarkable team and organization.
Jacob Householder
Development Intern
I am so happy to be able to work at the Madison Liberty Institute (MLI). This semester is my second internship for MLI. I choose to stay here and continue to work at the MLI because I have continually been given valuable experiences and opportunities that I would not be able to experience at another organization. MLI was something I was looking for in my University education that I have been unable to find anywhere before I came here. I believe its pioneering mission will be the spark that will help ignite the uniting of our country.
Jarvis Wells
Economics Intern
MLI was the answer to my prayers. When I found MLI, I was feeling that I needed to be more involved in the liberty movement, but I wasn't sure how or direction I needed to take. But, when I found this organization and learned more about their mission to "secure the blessing of liberty," to educate the local communities, and to help students make principle social changed, I knew that I was in the right place. I love the mission of the MLI and am grateful that they have provided me with a more clear direction and the chance to do what I love!
Amanda Penrod
Communications Intern
A knowledge of the constitution and America’s core values is essential for the upcoming generation to understand. The Madison Liberty Institute works to not only preserve these freedoms but educate the community. I chose to be involved with MLI because I know that education is the BEST way to support the cause of freedom. Every day, MLI works to preserve America, and I get to play a direct role in that great cause. There is nothing else I would rather be doing, and I am so grateful for this outstanding organization.
Brooklyn Raymond
Student Engagement
In my time at BYU Idaho I’ve always wanted to be more involved in politics and the community. It wasn’t until this past fall that I was introduced to the Madison liberty Institute. In my interview I discovered my particular skill set would fill a need they had. I graduated with a degree in organizational communications and love to teach people how to be better public speakers. I have loved my time at the Madison liberty Institute and recommend any and all to sign up for volunteer work or apply for internships.
Craig Van Wagenen
Media & Public Relations
The Madison Liberty Institute (MLI) has provided me with an opportunity to further my education in Communications by getting hands-on experience. What's more is I love getting to be a part of something that has such an important mission: to promote a freer and more prosperous society. I love this God-inspired country and have already seen the good MLI is doing in support of it. If you want the chance to gain experience for your career while being a part of an amazing cause, check out the Madison Liberty Institute!
Alisha Butler
Visual Communications
The Madison Liberty Institute has helped me want to give back to my community more. I knew my internship and student group involvement would teach me skills that I did not yet have and help me better educate myself. There is no doubt that this hasn't come true! I have been able to improve my video, interviewing, policy, writing, and communication skills. Additionally, the people are inspiring and I know I have built long-lasting friendships. I am grateful that MLI has not only brought me new knowledge and friends, but has also brought me a new family.
Emily Wells
Policy & Bill Support