Earlier this summer, numerous Idahoans signed petitions requesting public hearings for changes the Idaho Department of Education made regarding the following rules:
IDAPA 08.02.03 Rules Governing Thoroughness (subsections 004, 007, 008, 009, 111, 112, 116, and 150) – specifically the Idaho Content Standards (incorporated by
reference, Definitions, Assessments, Accountability, Unique Student Identifier, and Basic Values
IDAPA 08.02.04 Rules Governing Public Charter Schools
IDAPA 08.03.01 Rules of the Public Charter School Commission
IDAPA 08.04.01 Rules of the Idaho Digital Learning Academy
The information regarding this hearing as published in the Idaho Administrative Bulletin can be found here.
The purpose of this post is to announce that the hearings for those rules have been scheduled and to provide a brief background.
At the close of the 2019 legislative session, the bill to approve the Idaho Administrative Code went unsigned – effectively leaving the entire code to expire on July 1, 2019. Many of the administrative rules were recently reauthorized as temporary rules by Governor Little, in order to keep the government functioning until the 2020 legislature re-convenes. All reauthorized temporary rules were required by Idaho code to seek public negotiations, comments, and allow for the calling of public hearings. Locations where at least twenty-five people signed a petition to request a public hearing triggered the executive agency to visit the requested location.
Although the departments did not schedule hearings in each county where petitions were received, they do have a few scheduled. Below, please find the information on when and where those hearings will be held. We hope that you will be able to attend one or more of the hearings and encourage you to share this information with your friends and neighbors. If you cannot make the public hearing, please send in your comments by email to Tracie Bent at [email protected] no later than August 27, 2019. If you have questions or are concerned as to why the agency decided to not come to your county, we encourage you to -contact the agency director, Matt Freeman, at 208-332-1570.
Additionally, we have included a link where the information for other hearings currently scheduled this month can be found. We encourage you to review the list and attend any other hearings that are of interest to you: schedule for all public hearings.
Monday, August 19, 2019
6:00pm – 9:30pm (MDT)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
6:00pm – 9:30pm (MDT)
College of Western Idaho
5500 E. Opportunity Drive
Academic Building
Room 102 E
Nampa, ID 83687
College of Southern Idaho
315 Falls Avenue
Hepworth Building
Room 108
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Thursday, August 22, 2019
6:00pm – 9:30pm (PDT)
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
6:00pm – 9:30pm (MDT)
North Idaho College
100 W. Garden Avenue
Student Union Building
Room: Lake Coeur d’Alene
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
College of Eastern Idaho
1600 S. 25th E.
Bldg. 6 (Health Education Bldg.)
Room 150/152
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Also, we’d like to specifically direct your attention to the other hearing being held by the Department of Education, regarding the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Information regarding the hearing can be found here. As well, the Department of Health and Welfare will be holding public hearings on IDAPA 16.02.15 Immunization requirements for Idaho school children that may be of interest to you. Information regarding the hearing can be found here.
Keelyn Wright
Keelyn Wright
Keelyn Wright currently resides in Idaho, where she is a student at Brigham Young University – Idaho working towards her Bachelor’s degree in history. In addition to her schooling, Keelyn works as a policy and research intern at Madison Liberty Institute. When not busy with work or school, Keelyn enjoys relaxing by playing games with friends or family and reading. She also enjoys learning through her participation and membership in the student-liberty clubs at Spark Freedom like the Intercollegiate Studies Institution and Turning Point – USA.